Minting Choices

Two ways to mint card packs.

Rolling mint: the ReVerse uses a rolling mint structure where participants place reservations on our website and cards are minted in batches every few hours.

Mint Pack and Open Immediately

This is more gas-efficient compared to minting a pack and opening it later. But, who knows what unopened packs might end up being worth?

Of course, you can also buy multiple packs and mint them all opened at once, or purchase a box.

Mint Pack Unopened

Mint a sealed card pack NFT that can be traded and opened later. To open the pack, use our website or the contract directly to mint 3 random cards and burn the empty pack NFT. Costs more gas than the first option, because of more transactions:

Gas optimization: we are exploring different ways to make this more efficient. Expect the figures above, which are from a vanilla ERC1155 implementation, to change.

Last updated